Congratulations to all our professionals on International Women’s Day.
This year, the United Nations has chosen the theme “Women leaders: For an equal future in the world of Covid-19“, to celebrate the enormous efforts made by women and girls around the world to forge a more equal future and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. That is precisely why we have to be responsible in celebrating this day, because we are still living in a pandemic.
A day to remember all the women who have fought for equal opportunities, justice, peace and the full development of women in all areas, throughout history.
But also, a reminder of what the remaining 364 days of the year must be like.
Women bring a different approach and we are a lever for change. Therefore, we must continue to work for it on a daily basis, looking to the future, innovating, competing and developing our performance to continue advancing and progressing.
The development of women in the world of work constitutes both progress for society and for the business fabric.
But, to continue advancing, the commitment of companies is essential so that equality is real, effective and integrated as an element of competitiveness.